I joined Toastmasters to learn how to speak. KMS is the most lacking program around. The only surprise about Toastmasters is that they never graduate! The first meeting I went to people had been in there 17 or 19 yrs.
dog is god
JoinedPosts by dog is god
Theo Min School and Public Speaker Training Outdated...
by Confucious ini used to think that the theocratic ministry school was extremely valuable.. and i think it does have it's value.. but i think public speaking has changed so dramatically the last few years.. last time i went to the kh... the public speakers were speaking at a very "low" level.. i think part of the thing the current crop of religious speakers (like joel osteen, etc... they are so dynamic.. and even speakers like tony robbins.... i think the style of speaking for witness speakers has become old school.. granted - yes... they have an audience that is "obligated" to listen to them.
but they have not evolved at all as public speakers - and probably is getting worse.. most public speakers aren't glued to an outline.... just a thought.... .
A Born ins challenge to develop a "post cult" personality.
by stuckinamovement ina born ins challenge to develop a post cult personality.. mentally leaving the organization can be traumatic for a number of reasons.
one of the biggest challenges for born-ins in finding their pre cult personality is that our entire personalities are based on the religion.
there is no such thing as a pre cult personality for us.
dog is god
OMG Siam. You hit the nail on the head. I've been out 12 yrs and I still feel empty. I divorced my husband when he was outed. He stayed a while in the cong but he is living openly gay in another state. My immediate family all died within the last 4 yrs. I might be better if I had someone with me or had children. I feel very untethered but I'm trying to become more active in the unitarian church because they are very active in socal justice. I just about hate the holidays and I am uncomfortable in many social situations because I don't have that history of reference that most people have. I am a good little actress so I get by. I think that it probably will never change. It's kind of like when children miss certain stages of developement at specific ages they reallly are just shit out of luck. If my mom knew what was going to happen to our family I know she would have felt really bad. But it just is what it is.
Mars hill church
by stuckinamovement inthis is interesting reading.
dog is god
I have been to this church when a workmate passed and the funeral was there. It was a little weird because the walls are all black. I don't remember the sermon. I have a friend that goes there and I want to talk to her. I am constantly amazed at people giving their personal power to some egocentric control freak. People ignore that little voice in your head and the next thing you know you are shooting coolaid down their babies throat.
by allyouneedislove ini had a few comments to make regarding paul grundy's jwfact.com website.
these comments are in no way meant to defend jws, but only to point out illogical statements.
i have actually found his website to be quite informative.. .
dog is god
There is a big growth in the society these days as to people claiming to be "annointed" . Mostly because many just can NOT give up their former belief in a heavenly hope. I remember for years watching the number of "partakers" decline. It was exciting as it ment that "that" generation was disappearing which ment "the end was really, really, really near". There was a sister in my cong that suddenly felt she was of the annointed. She partook for a couple of decades. then she felt un-called. She still goes. I was taught that if you weren't really "called" that if you partook, you were drinking to your eturnal death. I do not think anyone is annointed. People can believe what ever they want...doesn't make it true. What is the point? If the borg teaches that people are put in class distinction....which it does....the greatest support group "The Great Crowd" is doing ALL the work and getting the least reward. Who wants to be part of "the great crowd" whom the Bible was NOT written for and can only observe someone else partaking (maybe NEVER even seeing someone else "drink the wine and chew the wafer"). Jeez, talk about being "in but separate". You might as well be part of the World because it's a bigger and more important part you will ever have in to borg, unless you get to hold the microphone, give a talk (only if you have a penis), or get to be part of a committee of fellow losers to judge another loser. Kind of clever really to make the people who have no real value in the imagined scheme of thingsto feel they have a say. Like the Mormons bestowing guys with titles (Elder, High Priest etc) all for the sake of male ego. If you think you are "annointed" you need therapy.
Did field service ever scare any one.
by life is to short ini was always scared somewhat by who i might meet at the door.. where i live we just had a mom murdered with her two young sons.
it is really sad, from what i just read in the paper the husband and wife took in this young man he was 22 years old and needed a place to stay.
he had been with them for months and had celebrated christmas and thanksgiving with all the family, etc.
dog is god
OMG What we have been thru because of those NYDICKHEADs! I had one RV (earlier they were called Back Calls). She was middle aged, all the drapes closed, chain smoker, everything covered with residue from cigarets. She invites me in. I start to give my spheal when she suddenly threw her head back, falls straight back with her head hitting the coffee table and is unconscious. I called 911 and they took her away. I never went back. At the time I remember thinking that this door-to-door was not worth it.
Another call was a late twenty something gal. Another all the drapes closed. She lived with her boyfriend and about 6 dogs in a teeny house. She was always dressed in multi layers.....2-3pants, acouple skirts, several Ts, shirts and sweaters. Long unwashed dark hair. Did we EVER asses things and know that we should not be there....for any reason? Noooooooo. So she wants to study. I go back and she asks if I minded if she smoked a joint. I said that it would be better for her to wait until after (What I should have done was share it with her). I say a prayer and then she asks me if I ever masterbaited. (OMG Jesus take me NOW!!!) I said that I was married and didn't have a need for that. And sometimes it might not be a good idea because the more you do it the more you want to do it. She then said that she was always afraid that the police would arrest her because she used rains, carrots, etc. (I thought Waldorf Salad) All the time the dogs are wandering all around the teeny living room. One onnly had 3 legs. Soooooooo. The next week I GO BACK (can you believe it?????) Her boyfriend is there and said she was in Harborview (Our mental health hospital for the SERIOUSLY disturbed. Next I GO TO HARBOVIEW!!!!! (seriously stupid). I'm taken thru all this security stuff and then locked into a room with several crazies. She asks me to play ping pong. So we do. Then she explains that she's there because she has been drugging herself to death and she'd be going to live with her parents upstate. I wished her the best and was let out (I can't believe they didn't keep me). When I got to my VW I had a parking ticket.
Terrible conduct by congregation Elders in hospital room !
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmy uncle was rushed to the hospital last tuesday with severe stomach pain.
(he was diagnosed with colon cancer one year ago.
the doctors, family,and my uncle decided against colon surgery.
dog is god
One big thing to remember, THEY HAVE NO POWER unles you give it to them. What balls they have ordering family members around. THEY should have been asked to leave and to kiss my big white ass.
Are there higher dimensions? If so, what is in them? (Part - 1)
by Fernando incarl sagan's cosmos - tesseract (7 minutes)he was a well spoken genius with a gift of making it plain and simple.... .
dog is god
I totally understand the string theory.....NOT. I watched a show about it and it was really interesting. Other dementions? Could be. Maybe.
How many JWs actually died and were imprisoned in Hitlers rein?
by aquagirl inim having a discussion w.a fader.he is parroting the 10k killed.wasnt it actually 2k imprisoned,and less than 200 killed?how can i get these facts?.
dog is god
A few years ago there was the opening of the holocaust museum in Washington DC. A ton of survivors joined together. They had tables for those who were related in some way. The table for the JWs remained empty. Not one came.
Montreal ICSA Conference - I will be a speaker
by Lady Lee inyup it's official.
i will be a speaker at the international cultic studies association's confernece in montreal canada july 5-7 2012 you may find me asking for some specific information over the next couple of months like this one suicide - how many do you know within the jws.. the focus of my lecture will be on the invisible victims, such as those who are dfed, ubms (unbelieving mates), children raised in a home where one parent is a jw and the other isn't , people who get involved with jws only to find too late how much of a problem it will be in the relationship and the impact on these family members.
issues of suicide, depression, relationship breakdown and who knows what else i will find.. i do have to put limits on it.
dog is god
Thank you Z.
Is my marriage worth saving?
by sacdfan inlong story - will make it short - i was a jw for 4 years.
hy husband took to it straigt away and has been a jw for 20 years - we were both converted by one of his workmates.
our 4 kids were all baptised jws and thankfully 3 escaped (2 disfellowshipped, one fading) - so my eldest son is still in with his dad.
dog is god
Ladies, you do NOT NEED these guys. they are sucking your life out of you and wasting the most valuable thing you have.....time. First of all find out where the money is and how much. Tax returns are good for that. Make sure you are in a good place, all ducks in a line, don't tell anyone, not even your kids. then kick their lazy, good for nothing asses out. You are both dying a little bit more everyday you stay.